Sunday, January 31, 2010

TAPS - Tampa, FL

***03/31/10 Yet again Taps has failed to understand their market. The Tampa Bay Beer MUG group, Let's Go Out Tampa Bay, and Tampa Socials, recently hosted a Going Away/Birthday party at this establishment. Management had promised draft beer discounts for the party however when the group arrived they stated they could not honor their prior commitment and treated the group with disdain the rest of the evening. These groups have BANNED TAPS from being used for any future events. Based on these two events, and the overall poor quality of service/consideration, I would strongly advise anyone to avoid TAPS. (see email below from the TBBMUG organizer)

***Update: The female guest did receive a $5.00 credit on our charge, there are currently conversations with the owner regarding this situation. ***

Date: 01/29/2010
Time: Special Event After Party
Type: Bar
Where: 777 N Ashley, Tampa, Florida
Party: Group ~ 15

Immediate Impression:
It was busy, and felt they were understaffed on the floor, my guest and I went straight to bar!

Our bartender - Johnny - was fantastic! On point, kept our glasses full (with what we ordered) and checked up on us frequently - too bad the rest of the working staff was no where near as good...I digress.

Our first interaction with the floor server revolved around our food order, the floor server started yelling our name while bringing the food. I understood the need to do this, if we were standing on the main floor, however, the bartender had made a note we would be at the bar; - I chalked it up to simply being busy and she was probably slammed. However, I did observe that she was already intoxicated, something, if I were the bar owner, I would not have allowed so early in the day (it was only 7pm).

At some point during the evening, prior to the atrocity below, I also watched the server take a man (the same one) outside the side door and promptly start a groping/making out session. Again, something I don't believe patrons should ever see.

The real tragedy of service came when part of our group decided to leave; one of our female members asked for her tab, when the server brought out the whole tab, our member asked her to split the tab and only charge her for what she had. The server told our member she was not sure what she had, when our member advised her what on the tab was hers, the fiasco began.

After everyone who was on the tab chimed in with what they were responsible for the tab was still off by ONE AMSTEL LIGHT ($4.50). The Manager came to our table to tell US that every drink which was ordered was brought to the table; we told the Manager NOBODY ordered the last Amstel, furthermore, there were still three cups with alcohol in them on the table (they were pouring all the drinks in plastic containers - which again we had no problem with.) The manager notified us she would be taking off the extra Amstel, we felt the issue had been put to rest. Until...

Managers/Servers should be trained to not TALK about customers while within earshot of other patrons - you NEVER know who knows who. The manager was over-heard telling the server "I don't care what she wants, I already have her credit card, just tell her we took it off"! Because of this, when the server came back to tell us the charge had been dropped, we asked for a revised receipt as proof. She told us she was "UNABLE TO REPRINT THE RECEIPT BECAUSE THE TRANSACTION HAD BEEN CLOSED" - which anyone who has ever worked in the restaurant industry knows is a COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE!!

Not only did the female server say she couldn't do it, but so did the MANAGER. Our female member then went to the bar as said if she did not receive her proof of payment, she would notify her credit card company of the fraudulent charge - she was then told they would be calling the POLICE on HER for THEFT! Our female member just left, exasperate, frustrated, belittled and unhappy! The rest of our group left angry. We spent the remainder of the evening, and our money, at the HUB!

TAPS use to be one of the Preferred Vendors for the Tampa Bay Beer Meet Up Group - however, because of there actions this evening, we have advised all our organizers and members to no longer patronize TAPS. This is an unfortunate circumstance of poor service, poor management and offensive behavior.

I enjoyed my food, the group split, Tuna Crudo, Baked Mac & Cheese, Guacamole w/chips, and Roast Beef Sliders - considering it was a special event night, we were all pleased with the food.

This place is not really cheap, but it is standard for the area. However, after the horrific service, buying anything carries way too high a price!

Final thought:
I am going to reiterate what I said above: TAPS use to be one of the Preferred Vendors for the Tampa Bay Beer Meet Up Group - however, because of there actions this evening, we have advised all our organizers and members to no longer patronize TAPS. This is an unfortunate circumstance of poor service, poor management and offensive behavior. I will update the blog when my friend checks her credit card statement to confirm what she was charged


  1. Ingrid, I would contact the owner directly. It is unfortunate that you had this experience, but it really is only the fault of the manager to allow the staff to be operating in this manner & to be encouraging fraudulant charges to customers. If this is a place that you have enjoyed going to before, give them a chance to make it right. Don't let the actions of a few bad employees ruin it for so many. Plus, it's important that upper management/owners know what they are dealing with since they may not know.

  2. Dear Fellow Beer Drinkers,

    After several unpleasant experiences at Taps Wine and Beer Merchants in downtown Tampa, I am putting forth an initiative to no longer support this establishment with our hard earned dollars.

    The Tampa Bay Beer MUG always attempts to choose our Meetup locations based on several important factors. No matter how many beers are on tap or what kind of deal we can work for our members, there is no more important factor than hospitality to our group. Taps Wine and Beer Merchants has failed miserably in the hospitality department.

    While we have always enjoyed each other’s company no matter where we are, there is a certain level of professionalism and service that any customer should expect from any place of business they choose to spend their money with. Taps has now threatened to call the police on members for 1 unclaimed beer that wasn’t ordered by those members, and now has without cause not followed through on specials they originally offered our group on the day our event.

    These two instances prove that the establishment is more concerned with their own agenda then they are with providing a great place for us to meet. I urge all 499 members of this group to not spend a single dime at Taps Wine and Beer Merchants from this moment forward, and here by ban this place from holding any future events for our group. I encourage all of you to visit your local blogs, review sites, and other rating sites to give the lowest approval write ups you can for Taps.

    We will always look out for our members and continue to try and find new exciting places that want our business, as well as visit and promote the places we have had outstanding experiences with.

    David Plourde
    TBBMUG Organizer

  3. I agree with you. One night I went there and ordered a particular item and the girl brought me something entirely different. I complained to her and she said and I quote "you ordered it because I wrote it down...look it is right here on my order pad"! I complained to the manager and he didn't seem concerned at all.
    Another time the same girl argued with Kris over the same thing. She again said that something was ordered that wasn't. Kris complained and the girl argued with her over the order.
    Pretty much they suck. I won't be going back ever again.

